Did you know that next month (March 8 to be exact) is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day is a global event celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and highlighting the great progress that has been made towards gender equality.
It is also a day to recognise what still needs to be done and to build awareness of how we all play a part in creating change for the better.
Even in Australia, women still have fewer opportunities than men and are consistently paid less than men, with the national gender pay gap currently sitting at 14.2% (source WGEA).
Australian women in 2021 had to work about two months more, on average, to earn the same as men did in the previous financial year.
Covid has shed further light on the disparity, disproportionately affecting women and highlighting the inequalities girls and women continue to face around the world.
This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #breakthebias. The theme asks us to imagine a gender-equal world, free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A day that breaks the mould of women’s equality.
Want to get involved or show your support? Here are 8 great ideas: