Episode 21 – The Secret Weapon Most Businesses Ignore (But Shouldn’t)

I know that being a small business can sometimes be overwhelming with all the different hats that we wear, things that we need to do and never being able to really switch off at the end of the day. And believe me when I say that I know because I have been in that position many times early in my business’s life.

Today I am sharing the secret weapon that has saved my sanity and the one that really got the needle moving in my business. Let me introduce you to the Business Plan.

I know I can hear the sighs now. You were hoping for something more – but my style of business plan is only one to two pages long, because who has time to do a 80 page document that will collect dust in the book case or in the bottom draw.

A business plan will give you clarity and focus on what you need to do to grow your business and grow it fast.

A promise you, this episode will be a game changer for you and your business. Let’s jump in.

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